Collins Applauds Trump Administration's Proposal to Increase Drug Pricing Transparency and Lower Costs


Date: Feb. 1, 2019
Location: Washington, DC

Rep. Doug Collins (R-Ga.) released the following statement after U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar and Inspector General Daniel Levinson proposed a rule to lower prescription drug prices and increase transparency of prescription drug markets.

"For years, I have advocated for increased drug pricing transparency as it relates to pharmacy benefit managers. This broken system has continually allowed middlemen to profit at the expense of every day Americans.

I fully support the Trump Administration's proposed rule to minimize the role of PBMs and encourage manufacturers to pass discounts directly on to patients. This is a significant step toward ending backdoor deals, increasing transparency in prescription drug pricing, and most importantly, ensuring patients have access to the care they require."

Last Congress, Rep. Collins introduced H.R. 5958, the Phair Pricing Act of 2018, to lower the cost of prescription medications for Medicare Part D patients.

He also introduced H.R. 1316, the Prescription Drug Price Transparency Act, to promote transparency in drug pricing and prevent PBMs from secretly increasing the prices of prescription medications.

Rep. Collins plans to re-introduce both bills later this month.
